CES Group is a Privately Owned Australian Company specialising in delivering quality Construction & Civil projects across a broad geographical area. CES was established in Townsville in 2009 and continues to remain the Head Office for the group of companies.
CES are leaders in our fields, returning profitable outcomes to our clients
through professional business strategies, strong ethics and integrity.
Respect and common courtesy comes naturally in the people we hire. As a foundation principle this has contributed greatly to the success of our people and in turn our company.
Integrity begins within. If we are honest with ourselves, our teammates, our clients and everyone we come into contact with, we end up trusted and our actions will generally match our claims. (Don’t forget – Trust can take a long time to build and minutes to destroy if abused).
As a leader, we teach and help people up the ladder. Never do we use people as stepping-stones or ladder rungs. Responsibilities are given out with trust to perform. Leaders don’t micro manage. Calmness as a leader is the key to maintaining order within the ranks.
Leaders write the glad, tell the bad. There is no need to be a know it all leader, leaders listen and learn, then teach. As Phillip Armour once said “No General can fight his battles alone. He must depend upon his lieutenants, and his success depends on his ability to select the right man for the right place”. Personal Hygiene / Dress and bearing: Who are we in the eyes of others? We can look, smell and even sound dirty. Let’s be aware of this. Perception is reality; it all counts in the eyes of others. You can accomplish 90% of your success within the first 10 seconds if you aim to appear professional- arrive well groomed and appropriately dressed for work. Always consider – your community, your teammates and our clients.
Treat all equipment & vehicles with the utmost respect, these are our tools of trade and are there to support us. Ensuring pre starts are completed, general cleanliness inside and out, hand and power tools are used fit for purpose, and equipment is stored and maintained.
These things will allow our equipment to best support our activities. Pride in our work, consideration for your teammates and respect for your tools of trade are all part of being a competent tradesperson.
Continuously improving all that we do, measuring what is important and always being objective of ourselves when it comes to safety and service. These principles form the basis of our company beliefs and should be adhered to on all levels.
We are proud of our reputation and require all involved to be so, equally. These principles form the basis of our company beliefs and should be adhered to on all levels. We are proud of our reputation and require all involved to be so, equally.